a 'non-update' update...
Hello family and friends...Just a quick update (or non-update...) for those of you that I haven't been able to talk to in person. We are still waiting.Waiting, hoping, praying, waiting....I just looked back and realized that we've officially been in this process for two years this month. It seems like it's flown by and at the same time, seems like it's taken forever. We know and trust that God's timing is perfect, but through this process we've also learned even more that we struggle with patience, that ouridea of 'timing' is different, and that walking with God is not always simple, nor easy, nor smooth. But I am convinced that perseverance is what He asks of us. "To look after orphans and widows in their distress..." is of utmost importance to His heart...and ours, too.I recently went back to Uganda and had my heart filled with it's beauty, simplicity, and the hugs and laughter of some precious little ones at an orphanage my friend Nicole and I volunteered at. We both left a piece of ourselves there...and brought something new back in our hearts.Once I make some time to write more eloquently about my time there, I'll share more about it. For now, here are a few photos.
I want to thank each of you for following along, for caring, supporting, praying...we are so grateful and just want you to know we haven't forgotten about you! I just haven't had much to update unfortunately because of the complications of international adoption. We are not sure which direction God will take us in these next few months, but we are hoping for some clarity and direction as we continue to move forward in trust.More updates soon...With love,Abby and Dan