Do not lose heart.
"Don't lose heart..." "Run with perseverance the race set before you..." , "We go from strength to strength...", "Take courage", "Do not be afraid", "Trust..."It's interesting to think of all these encouragements that are woven throughout God's Word. It's interesting because I think sometimes we feel as though life should be smooth. We naturally run from discomfort and are drawn towards peace and harmony, comfort and consistancy. I've been reading and hearing and conversing with people, it seems evident that we live in a world where following Jesus is anything but easy and comfortable. And He told us to be ready for that...
I've been having interesting and vivid dreams lately. The other night I dreamt I was in a beautiful place with some friends of mine - we were swimming and exploring the mountains and a big storm rolled in. Dark clouds came in and rains came down and we had to get out of the water. We had taken shelter somewhere and as I looked outside, I saw the most beautiful rainbow. The most vivid rainbow I had ever seen, and I walked out to find it and I came to a spot where it was literally sitting on the leaf of a tree - I could see where it ended, right there on the green of the tree - it was so palpable that it seemed I could touch it and keep it with me forever. I went closer to it and it faded away. After that moment, I knew I had to get my stuff from the place we were staying and head home. My friends had left and it was dark. I was gathering my stuff alone in the dark room (I often have dreams where gathering 'things' ends up getting in the way or slowing me down from my purpose or direction). As I was trying to gather my stuff, I sensed that someone else was in the room - it was a fearful sense, like someone was going to hurt me. I was almost out of the room and some man came out and tried to attack me. (I also have dreams often of someone trying to attack me. The other night I had a dream that someone came in and stabbed me in the heart! I know that's didn't kill me or stop me from what I was doing- I think that's interesting to think about what this could mean). Back to that night's dream, I did get away from the attacker, and got out the door - but my mode of transportation was some sort of cart or something that I was going to have to push to my destination. It wasn't swift or safe. It required a lot of effort and patience.I feel like these dreams have a meaning that reflects some things that are happening in life, and in particular, in our adoption story. We've been struggling a lot with the system, the ways in which it feels like the rules and red tape keep people from doing something so important and worthwhile. It feels like the way the governments regulate (although much of it for good reason) keeps us from doing something that God loves and calls us to do. "Look after orphans and widows" , "I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you"... It feels like instead of getting in a car and driving to our destination, we are on a cart with wheels, full of stuff, and pushing our way up mountains. We are both tired. We are both frustrated at this process and feel dis-heartened. Sometimes I feel like my heart is being stabbed because I fell in love with a few beautiful Ugandan children who are still sitting in an orphanage that sometimes lacks enough water and food and caring hands. But we can't get to them. We don't know why this road is so difficult, other than that we live in a broken world, and have an enemy who wants nothing more than to make God's people doubt His goodness and love.We have been so thankful for the people in our lives who continue to encourage us. We are grateful for our family and friends who remind us that one day it will come to be - and we will have a family. We believe that, and have to keep pushing the cart. But we also need peace and direction and trust that we are going in the way God has for us.A few questions I want to think about as I take into consideration that God can speak to us in and through our dreams: What might be getting in the way of us getting to our destination? Where are we headed and what do we need to cast off or let go of in order to get there? Who is the enemy that's trying to stop us? And how do we resist evil and keep persevering through the obstacles?And the biggest question, how are we making sure that we keep trusting that God is Good, that God is Loving, and that He goes before us and behind us in this journey?