An Update: Honoring the Past. Moving Ahead.



Unfortunately this is not an adoption update or anything of the sort. But I've decided to commit to writing a bit more frequently here. This originally started as an adoption blog - a way to share our story. But many years later with still no adoption in site, I've decided to expand it a little. I'm a creative person and I have so many interests. Writing is one of them, and I've realized it's a tool for healing for me. One of the beautiful things I've found about writing is that as much as it's healing for me to write, it can be healing for others to read someone else's story. It can make us feel less alone in our pain or struggles. I hope this can be a healing place for you.As you scroll through the past entries, you can learn about our journey so far. I hope to add much more in the coming days and months about life, healing from trauma and grief, our foster care adventures, and more.Below is my original about us section that I didn't want to just delete since it still applies -although some days it doesn't feel like it. I'm still hoping that our journey will unravel into a beautiful story of redemption.The original "About Us" words: We're Dan and Abby and we've been married for 12 years and recently moved from Colorado to the forest in New York. We love God and love people, and long to be mom and dad to some amazing children one day.  We have had a difficult adoption road so far, starting back in 2011. We are still waiting, and trying to hear what direction we need to pursue now. We still believe God has given us the privilege and challenge to begin our family through adoption.  Here are a few things He says about it:"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."James 1:26-27"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."John 14:17-19There's a song I love to hear and it makes me think of you (our future children). It says,"Wild and wonderful is your family, O God! Bright and Beautiful is your family, O God!When I (Abby) envision our family, this song comes to mind.  It will be beautiful. It will be wild.  And because of who God is and what He will be wonderful and worth the wait.Thanks for following along our journey and for your kind words and encouraging prayers. We want our story to be a testament to God's faithfulness - and we'll keep pursuing this story with the help of our community and loved ones.
