From the Beginning

Dear Kids,

From the beginning of time, before I met your (future) dad, even before he or I were created, God had a plan! The awesome and beautiful thing about God's plans is that they are always bigger and better than anything we could come up with on our own. In His good plan, He decided that your dad and I would one day create a family through adoption. We have been married for over six years and we've been waiting for this time in our life - when God would give us the go-ahead. He's been preparing us, and we are trusting His perfect timing that we are starting at just the right time so we will be united with YOU! We don't know you, yet....and maybe at this moment in time, you have not even been born...but I have a feeling in my heart that one of you (and maybe both of you!?) are somewhere in the world tonight. Although we don't 'know' you, we love you. I don't know your circumstance, or what part of the world you live in. I don't know why God allowed (or will allow) some of the difficult things you will face in your life thus far, but I pray He is covering you with a deep love and peace tonight - and will continue to protect you with that love in your days and years to come.

These words on a (virtual) page are our letters to you, our future children. And we hope, too, that these words may be a source of encouragement or goodness for someone else in the world.

We can't wait to meet you, Beloveds!

