the journey
the journey
Dear Kids,
"HOW we journey is equally as important as the destination".
This is a valuable lesson, kids! We have been learning this and it seems it's always good for us to be reminded. Sometimes it feels like the 'destination' is so far off. And that destination changes throughout life. Right now, our 'destination' is YOU. We are on a journey to you, wherever you may be. The important thing it, though, when we're following Jesus...the journey matters a lot, too. He wants to show us things along the way- important truths that will help us draw nearer to Him and be better parents for you. It seems like this journey could be a long one, and sometimes tiring and frustrating. But I want to come back to this- that God has a purpose in the journey. He meets us and guides us - and makes us more like Him in the process. Here's to our journey and yours! We love you!